BDO adopts hybrid work model based on staff wishes

BDO’s hybrid work model is a flexible and modern work model built around the needs of clients and staff, which is not bound to place or time. The model is based on trust, freedom and responsibility. With good tools, functional technological solutions and an organisational culture that focuses on mutual help, we can offer our employees a flexible way of working which also supports the sense of community and well-being, and enables client work to be carried out smoothly. All staff were able to influence the preparing of the common practices for hybrid work through a survey and discussions with different staff groups.

The hybrid model takes into account employees’ individual needs as well as needs related to client work while striving for seamless co-operation both within teams and with other colleagues. In expert work, regular exchange of ideas between colleagues is a key aspect in developing competence and finding the best client solutions.  At the same time, we understand the importance of personal interactions as part of well-being and satisfaction at work.

The hybrid work model is always utilised within the limits of the COVID-19 recommendations issued by the authorities.

Each of our employees has the opportunity to work at our premises, where we invest in both good ergonomics and workspace solutions enabling diverse work. We also offer support to maintain ergonomics and well-being at work for those who work remotely.

The starting point for the development of the hybrid work model was the desire to capitalise on the good practices learned during the exceptional period and to take our employees’ wishes regarding work into account in the best possible way.

“Our hybrid work model brings together the things that are most important to us: exceptionally good client service and the well-being of our staff. At the same time, we ensure that our working practices will endure in the future,” says Taneli Mustonen, Managing Director of BDO.

Hybrid work also benefits clients

We serve our clients throughout Finland with our staff of nearly 300 experts. We have 18 offices from which our experts provide local service with a solid knowledge of regional characteristics. In addition to local experts, our clients can benefit from the expertise of all our experts, regardless of location, and functional technological solutions will make this co-operation even smoother. Internationally, BDO employs 91,000 experts in 167 countries.

In connection with each assignment, we agree with the client whether they want our experts to work in their premises, completely remotely or in combination of these forms of work. During the period of remote working, we have further developed our digital solutions and tools that enable more efficient data transfer and analysis, flexible communication and real-time project management. With virtual connections, even short meetings can be arranged on a flexible schedule. Reducing commuting and the use of paper materials will also help us to reduce the environmental load associated with our operations.